VESDA - Very Early Smoke Detection System

VESDA smoke detection was traditionally used for specialist smoke detection environments
smoke detection is now used more extensively in non specialist fire detection application and
of course the traditional specialist market detectors are normally used where high smoke
sensitivity is required detection works far more efficiently in area where there is high air flow,
such as computer rooms, Telecoms etc!

The ASD (Aspirating Smoke Detection) system has three main components:

 The sampling pipe network, which collects air through sampling holes and transports it from
the protected space to the detector, where it’s tested for the presence of smoke particulate
 An aspirating smoke detector constituted of:

 – A sensing chamber with a high sensitivity sensor to detect smoke particles suspended in air
– An aspirator or fan to draw air from the protected area to the sensing chamber
– An optional filter to remove all large particles that may damage the sensor within the sensing

 The exhaust pipe to expel the sampled air from the detector

VESDA System